​To the B.A.R.N. Community Group Site
Serving the Brushton, Ashford, Ridgeview and Nellis area since July 2016

President Anita Perdue
Vice President Ryan Graley
Event Coordinator Michelle Graley
Treasurer Martha Tackett
Secretary Rachel Hager
Reporter Michelle Harless
Community Center Info
Comming Soon!!!!!!!
People in our Community
Our group was formed to help keep the current events and activities in our area going. We strive to help keep great things occurring in our area for our residents. We are currently working on turning the old Nellis Grade School into a Community Center.
Anita Perdue
Nellis, WV

A wife and mother and a grandmother. I like spending time with my family and going on trips together. I want to do what I can to help our area.
July 2016

Ryan Graley
Vice President
Ashford, WV
I love politics,! I am married and in September 2017 welcomed our first child. If you can make a difference in someones life you should.
July 2016

Martha Tackett
Nellis, WV
I'm a mother of two wonderful children and a mamaw of one. I love my family and I take pride in the history of my community.
August 2017

Michelle Graley
Event Coordinator
Ashford, WV

Rachel Hager
Nellis, WV

Michelle Harless
Nellis, WV
I'm a mom of three, stepmom of two, have five grandchildren. I love working with children and the elderly. If it brings a smile to someones face it's worth doing!
July 2016
I'm a mother and a wife. I enjoy watching my children in all their sports and I like helping out our community in any way possible.
July 2016
I'm a mother, a wife and a caregiver. I enjoy spending time with my family and doing my part to make things better around me.
July 2016
Board Members
Nicole Payne
Kitchen Lead

July 2016

Timmy Hager
July 2016
Kevin Perdue

July 2016
Steven Harless

July 2016
Samantha Tackett
Gym rental contact

March 2018
Josh Stowers

March 2018
Safety Team

Event/Fundraising Committee

Jennifer Nicole Lisa Ann Sandra Jeanne Donna Teresa
We are always looking for help! If you have something special to add to our group we are always open to suggestions and ideas!!!

Volunteers with 20+ Hours

Diane Robert Samantha Angie Steven Judy Patty
Youth Volunteers with 20+ Hours